
We strongly support policy and procedures that protect the health and happiness of our children. We aim to keep children safe by adopting the highest possible standards and taking all reasonable steps to protect children from harm.
Safeguarding is vital for our setting, as part of the legal requirements of our Ofsted registration.
We have a Safeguarding policy which details what happens if we are concerned about a child and the procedure for an allegation made against a member of the team.
Our nominated lead person for safeguarding is our appointed person Stephanie Charalambous, Nursery Manager. She is the point of contact for any concerns relating to a child’s welfare. Stephanie Charalambous along with the the directors (Sumeet Brar and Arvinder Brar) are responsible for the training and development of the team in this area.
If we have a concern about your child which relates to neglect, emotional or physical abuse, we will meet with you. We may feel it necessary to refer to the Duty And Advice Team, however we will communicate with you at all times.
Our team have devised their own code of conduct which outlines how they maintain and form appropriate relationships with each other, the children and their parents.
All documentation relating to policies and procedures including our full safeguarding policy can be viewed and downloaded from our parents login page, it is also available to read in the nursery. If you require further information or wish to discuss, please contact our Nursery Manager.

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